Friday, November 1, 2013
How to Protect Your Kids From Internet Predators and Cyber Bullies
Once confined to the older high school and middle school kids, internet predators and cyber bullying are slowly but steadily infecting even younger kids. This makes it more important for parents to step up their vigilance and protect their kids from these high-tech bullies. Fortunately, as a parent, there are ways that you can use to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullying to avoid damage to your child. Here's how:Take your kids complaint seriously to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies. It's not about over-reacting - it's about being there to support your child if he or she ever becomes a victim of internet predators. Watch your child for signs that he may be troubled, upset or scared. Don't belittle his feelings or the threats he receives, summing it up as child's play. If you want to protect your kids from internet predators then stop the harassment before it becomes a bigger problem.Communicate and draw up a plan. Many cases of cyber bullying have occurred without parents knowing them. It is only when the damage is already too much that parents learn their child was being victimized. Encourage your kids to open up to you by maintaining clear lines of communication to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies. Be open minded and loving, letting your child know he or she can rely on you for support and protection will give you the chance to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies.Work out a plan with your kids on what they should do to protect your kids from internet predators and bullies. Include a simple 'no-response' rule in your plan by telling your kids to avoid replying to a hurtful message and instead, reporting it to you, a trusted school teacher or school staff. If your child is prepared, he will be better at handling the situation should it occur to him.Learn the walk and talk. You can't protect your kids from internet predators if you know nothing about the technology that made cyber bullying possible in the first place. Learn to use the computer and find out about the lingo, if you can.Set limits. Without encroaching on your child's privacy, try to keep the computer in another area of the house where you can monitor any activity that may constitute bullying. You'll be more likely to stop cyber bullying early and protect your kids from internet predators if you know what's going on.Save the evidence. You may need it to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies. If your child ever receives a message or e-mail that is slanderous and hateful, save it and print it out as evidence. You will need this to help you identify who the bully is and get in touch with the authorities. If the cyber bullying escalates, you will need this evidence to show to the authorities.Teach your child to be assertive. This can protect your kids from internet predators when you are not around. You can only protect your children up to a point. When they're out at school or in other social settings, they will be exposed to other influences and will be on their own. Teach them coping skills and encourage them to stand on their own feet. Kids who are more assertive and confident are often avoided by bullies (cyber or otherwise) because they prefer the shy, seemingly weak ones to target.Begin at home to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies. Values may be an old-fashioned quality to teach your child, but they are still very much important in bringing up a child who is not only responsible but socially aware and sensitive. Take time to teach kids being responsible for their actions.Don't assume your child will understand what's right and wrong. It's your job as a parent to teach them to be responsible members of society and the time to do that is now. It is your job as a parent to protect your kinds from internet predators.As a parent, you have to ask yourself: "Is my child safe when they're online?" Don't bet on it. With an estimated one million pedophiles online, you need parental controls to protect your children from internet predators and from child molesters.How can you protect your kids from internet predators, pedophiles, cyber stalkers, online sex offenders when you're not there? The Internet is the most dangerous place for your child to venture unsupervised. Did you know that you can still protect your kids from internet predators and even if you are not around? PC Tattletale helps protect you and your children when they're online. Take control of your child's online experiences and keep them safe right now visit PC-Tattletale Parental Control Software at All About Home and Family
Kids and Teens